Winning an investment from Mark Cuban on Shark Tank & inventing a brand new profitable industry - Pat Crowley
Working as Oprah’s food editor at 25, then going on to write a best-selling book and found her own successful company - Rachel Hofstetter
Former Disney Executive on working with billionaire Sid Bass, US Army Surgeon General and commitment - Fred Larson
The key to creating communities and innovative engagement with Super Connector and CEO Scott Gerber
Building entire platforms and running successful campaigns with Crowdfunding Expert Dan Baird
Punch you in the face straight truth with author, TED Talk speaker, and CEO Consultant Linda Galindo
Teaching at GE, 3M & HSBC, giving over 3,000 presentations around the world, & writing ”Leadership Vertigo". Speaker and Coach Max Brown
Filmmaker Wes Anderson, OBEY's art genius Shepard Fairey, top snowboard pro Torstein Hormgo & the lessons he has learned working with them. Julian Marshall
What's his secret for getting 140,000 customers without paying for advertising? Zoom CEO Eric Yuan
British SAS, Living through Ebola & Freeing hostages in Columbia. CEO Mark Reading
Harnessing your passion to pioneer a new sport, define a lifestyle and create a business with your own two hands. Jeremy Jensen
podcast, show, ceo, founder, action sportsJess Larsensnowboarding, ceo, founder, action sports, skateboarding, surfing, video
Making it from welfare in the Brooklyn projects to a million dollar business in his 20s. Arel Moodie
ceo, founder, podcast, show, people skills, non-profitJess Larsenceo, founder, nyc, new york, charity, ngo non profit, Author
What's the stoic formula for productivity during attacks & explosions in Beirut? CEO Randy Reyess
The Zen of Skateboarding, ideal prep for a VC backed startup CEO in fintech, Zach Olson
The competitive advantage of experience design, Baya Voce
How do you get over a million Facebook followers? We ask Founder Clay Olsen
From trash-picker to Director for Warner Brothers show Smallville, now creating media for good, Chris Petry
Why did she Leave a $7bn Firm to become a Social Impact Leader at Cotopaxi? Lindsey Kneuven
SWAT Team Comander to Captain and Ambassador of Unconditional Respect, Chip Huth