Guiding Systemic Change to Adoption in United Kingdom with Krish Kandiah

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Dr. Krish Kandiah is a social entrepreneur with a vision to help solve some of society’s seemingly intractable problems through building partnerships across civil society, faith communities, government and philanthropy.

He is the chair of the Adoption and Special Guardianship Leadership Board where he brings strategic leadership to the finding of permanent loving families for children in the care system working across the sector and advising the English government. 

Dr Kandiah founded Home For Good, a charity seeking to find loving homes for children in the care system. He is a passionate advocate for family reunification, fostering and adoption in order to make a real difference in the lives of vulnerable children worldwide.

Dr Kandiah has written 13 books including the catalytic “Home for Good: Making a Difference for Vulnerable Children” and the award-winning “Paradoxology.”  Dr Kandiah is a regular contributor to The Times of London and The Guardian, and is a regular broadcaster on BBC Radio 4 and Radio 2.

Dr Kandiah is in demand as a speaker at both national and international conferences. He has spoken at the Q conference in Nashville and to a full house at TEDx Oxford on the topic “Can Hospitality Change the World?”  He is a member of the Global Leadership Summit faculty and has spoken in places as diverse as Apple HQ in Cupertino, the GooglePlex, the Cabinet Office in Westminster and the Royal Albert Hall.

Dr Kandiah is a consultant offering both creativity and academic reflection to bring strategic change, culture shift and innovation. He has expertise in the connections between international development, faith literacy and communication. Dr Kandiah is an ambassador for the UK aid and development charity Tearfund.

Dr Kandiah holds degrees in Chemistry, Missiology and Theology. His PhD is from Kings College, London. He currently holds faculty positions at Regent College, Vancouver and Regents Park College, Oxford University, is an Honorary Research Fellow at the National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work at Bournemouth University and is an Honorary Reader in Theology at St Andrews University, Scotland. Dr Kandiah lives in Oxfordshire with his wife and 6 children (through birth, fostering and adoption).

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Jess Larsen