Applying to become a show sponsor FAQs:
How Big is your show?
- iTunes New & Noteworthy for over a year
- Top 10% business podcasts around the world
- As of this writing with over a half a million total downloads and we are averaging 3,500 -5,500 downloads per episode we ranked above: "Dear HBR" by By Harvard Business Review, "WSJ Minute" by the Wall Street Journal & "Ft Alphachat" by Financial Times
HOw much are your SPONSORSHIP rates?
As of April 2018 we are charging $30/CPM (1000 downloads) and we are averaging 3,500 -5,500 downloads per episode so call it $120/sponsor message. Typically organizations will sponsor at least one show per week for a certain number of months.
Email if this is something you would like to apply to do.
Can you help us with strategy what to say?
Yes. All sponsor messages are read by our host and we want yours to be as attractive to our listeners as possible. Typically we work together with sponsors to craft what feels natural to our host for the audience while still hitting the main points for you. Other times sponsors just give us a couple of main bullet points and trust us to come up wiht something good. Its up to you.
Who do you not accept SPONSORSHIPs from?
We are mostly concerned with brand alignment. We want to be proud to tell people who our sponsors are and we will not promote something that will make our listeners lives worse; i.e., payday loans or products or lifestyles that have high rates of addiction, such as gambling, alcohol, tobacco etc...).
What does the expert research say?
Price WaterHOuse = 40% growth last yr in Revenue
Podcasts Becoming Mainstream
NIELSEN Ratings Insights