Marketing Lessons From Netflix with Carlijn Postma

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Carlijn Postma lives and breathes content marketing. “Refreshing” and “practical” are commonly heard reactions to Carlijn’s approach to content marketing. She shares this unique approach as a speaker and in her books. She founded The Post, a leading agency in content marketing, and is now on her way to explain Binge Marketing to the world: “Start creating evergreens and stop wasting time on disposable content."

The work she does in the world of content marketing is not going unnoticed. Carlijn Postma is an oft-requested speaker at international events. In 2017, she was chosen as the Dutch Content Marketing Woman of the Year. In 2014, she ranked 27th on the international list of the two hundred most influential people in the field of content marketing.

Carlijn Postma introduces binge marketing

Binge Marketing is all about applying the techniques and tactics the creators of films and series use to tell their stories and build their audiences. And that is exactly what marketers need: better stories and growing audiences. Carlijn has marketers and entrepreneurs look at their own organization as if it were an amazing Netflix or television series. She utilizes the same principles that are used in Hollywood to help organizations build their audience. This phenomenon, binge marketing, is becoming increasingly popular.

Connect with Carlijn on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Jess Larsen