Five Keys to Continuous Improvement with Jim McNeil

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Jim McNeil is a practicing Organizational Change Consultant with industry experience in service, manufacturing, health care, pharmaceutical, telecom, and advanced technology. In his early days, he served as a union leader in the United Auto Workers (UAW).  From 1990 - 1997, Jim was President of the largest UAW Local successfully bringing change to a very complex environment. 

Jim is a partner with Competitive Dynamics International, a global consultancy with clients in 80 countries and experience in more than 3000 worksites. 

He holds a Master of Organizational Development degree, been published in the Journal of the Organization Development Network and Co-authored with others, two books: Unleashing the Magic in Organizations and a field guide titled Whole-Scale Change Toolkit published by Barrett-Koehler.

Check out his website, for more information.

Connect with Jim on LinkedIn.

Jess Larsen