CEO & Lean Strategist - Marley Lunt

Episode 190, Marley Lunt

Part 1:

Part 2:

Marley Lunt

Marley Lunt is a Lean Strategist who partners with people and organizations to achieve world class performance. Marley uses a “People First” style to build capability which has led to many successes. By understanding the struggles leaders and team members experience, Marley tailors each approach to harmonize the needs of individuals with business goals and objectives.

In his prior role at The Boeing Company as a Lean Practitioner, Marley established the standard for the Lean Management System and oversaw implementation across all Boeing Commercial Airplane programs. Marley was also recognized for creating a Lean culture and enabling the success of the GoldCare program, Boeing's premier integrated service that brings together engineering, materials, and maintenance to service customer airplane fleets.

A balance between real life application and Lean theory is important. Marley has in-depth understanding of the Lean body of knowledge including the Shingo Model and rich historical sources that greatly influenced the Toyota Production System.

Marley uses his creative talents to build trust with people and to keep the stuffy consultant stereotype at bay. Marley's favorite talent is playing the didgeridoo. He is a very good performer with over 12 years experience playing and making didgeridoos.

Marley's Lean Journey Begins (short version)

Marley's Lean journey started while working a summer job at a beef processing plant to pay for college. One day Marley reported a problem with a workstation on the production line and was told the issue would be fixed. After weeks of inaction, the problem resulted in Marley losing the function of his left hand requiring months of physical therapy.

During the following semester at Utah State University, Marley was introduced to Lean, The Shingo Model, and Toyota Production Model through Dr. Randy Cook. When Marley saw and felt the deep level of respect for people and culture of continuous improvement at Shingo Prize recipient companies, such as Autoliv and O.C. Tanner, Marley decided to change his career path from becoming a stock broker to a Lean champion. 

While attending Utah State University, Marley co-founded the Lean Leaders Club (now Shingo Student Chapter) to provide more in-depth Lean experience for students. He also worked for the Shingo Institute managing the Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award.

Career Highlights

The Boeing Company

Lean Management System
While at The Boeing Company, Marley established the standard for the Lean Management System and oversaw implementation across all Boeing Commercial Airplane programs. The implementation of the Lean Management System aligned the workforce and increased support for employee ideas to improve the business. 

Marley was formally recognized for transforming the culture of the GoldCare program, Boeing's premier integrated service that brings together engineering, materials, and maintenance to service customer airplane fleets.  The impact of Marley's work at GoldCare enabled the team to perform above contracted levels and gain the trust of old and new customers. Marley's influence led to record setting multi-billion dollar service deals for The Boeing Company.

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