Selecting The Right Tool For The Job (Mini-series Part 3 With Former Special Mission Unit Operator Tom Bigley. Interview By Jess Larsen)
Selecting The Righ Tool For The Job (Mini-series with Former Special Mission Unit Operator Tom Bigley)
Interview by Jess Larsen.
Episode 418
Mental Toughness in High-risk Situations (Mini-series with Former Special Mission Unit Operator Tom Bigley)
Interview by Jess Larsen.
Episode 419
Tom Bigley
Mr. Bigley is currently the CEO or Trisec USA LLC a security consulting company started in 2010 and has worked with the US Department of State, US Army, US Navy, Microsoft, and the Department of Home Land Security. He is also the CEO of Ready Force LLC a personnel sourcing company located in Salt Lake City Utah started in 2016 recently contracted to provide security services in Puerto Rico after the hurricane. Mr Bigley was the security director for Falcon Security in Baghdad Iraq from 2005-2008 the largest Iraqi owned security and has operated in high threat environments globally. Tom has worked at the highest levels of the US government and worked with Washington State and local law enforcement throughout his career. He is a Former Delta Force Operator, US Army Ranger and a 28 year veteran from the US Army Special Operations Command and a combat veteran. His awards include a Legion of Merit, two Bronze Stars, and a combat parachute award from the Panama invasion operation. Tom Lives with his wife Melinda and daughter Abby in Shelton Washington with five additional adult children.