General Partner of Earnest Capital - Tyler Tringas


Episode 343, Tyler Tringas

Part 1:

Part 2:

Tyler Tringas

Tyler Tringas is the Founder and Managing Partner of Earnest Capital. Earnest Capital offers an innovative investment structure aligned with founders and businesses that want to accelerate now and ultimately become a profitable sustainable business. They make seed stage investments in bootstrappers, indie hackers, makers and real businesses.

Tyler took his SaaS product, Storemapper, from side project to full-time income, to profitable distributed business, to exit while traveling as a digital nomad – all in five years. He has also spent some time as a clean-tech analyst, COO of an ocean conservation non-profit, and freelance Shopify/Rails developer.

He is a self-taught Rails and Javascript developer. He loves to travel, is a digital nomad, and a backpack connoisseur.

Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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